May 22, 2020

How to make the Dentist Office suck less


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Some normal, everyday tasks like going to the grocery store or shopping for a new pair of shoes have become serious, anxiety-provoking ordeals due to the coronavirus pandemic.  But for many, there’s one task that is dreaded more than any other: one that strikes fear in the eyes—and mouths—of many: going to the dentist.

And rightly so! Who wants their gums to be poked and prodded with torturous-looking devices while other drills and saws and daggers are whining away in the next stall over? Or to answer small talk questions with your mouth gaping open, full of fingers and instruments? Or answer (semi-truthfully) the dreaded, “How often are you flossing?” question?

What if we flipped that on its head, and actually made the dentist something to smile about? After all, you’re there to keep those pearly whites in check.


WHAT IF…dentist office sucks floss more drake

Going to the dentist meant going to a dental disco?

Sources say that dancing is a great anxiety and stress reliever, so why not cut a rug while you’re waiting for your filling or your dental exam? Finally, an appropriate venue to bust out the Floss and be the envy (embarrassment) of the neighbor kids. May we suggest a highly appropriate playlist to bust a move to? 



You *actually* had something interesting to stare at while laying helplessly prone, jaw agape, muttering and nodding along to the hygienist’s one-way dialogue?

Yeah, we’ve done our fair share of staring at the dots on the acoustic ceilings, too, trying to find faces and shapes amongst the specks.  What if there were puzzles, riddles, or motivational sayings, urging you on with oral ovations? 



The dentist’s office felt cozy, inviting and easily navigable, setting your mind at ease, rather than walking into a sterile maze of doom?

There’s nothing worse than getting lost in the dentist’s office where every station and hallways looks the same as the next, like a dental fun house from your nightmares.  Easy to read, inviting signage and wayfinding arrows that direct you to and from the key checkpoints of your visit—from the waiting area, the bathroom, the front desk—minimize confusion and the potential embarrassment (and horror!) of walking in one someone’s root canal. 




You were allowed to get a little mouthy at the dentist?

Everyone f&*!ing hates the dentist, so why not talk a little s#^t? Cheeky signage or even… wait for it… *plaques* (had to sneak in a pun somewhere!) spread throughout the office in key touch points give anxious, dentist-haters and avoiders a chance to blow off a little steam and add a little spunk to the visit.


How to Make Anything Suck Less, Really

The future is uncertain, and a time of non-contact has left many feeling isolated, disconnected from the people and the brands that they know and love, making it even more crucial for brands to reach out and stay connected to their customers. From the dentist office to the corner coffee shop, every place has an opportunity to infuse customer-centric messaging and touch points to foster meaningful moments of connection, inspiration and a little fun, staying high-touch in times of no-touch.


Featured image credit: Implant Logyca


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