Oct 27, 2014

Monday Musing: Link Roundup


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Dunton Hot Springs

Wanderlust for next weekend takes us to to the dreamy cabins of Dunton Hot Springs nestled deep in the San Juan Mountains of the Colorado Rockies.  Make this Monday more inspirational with some of our favorite links around the web…

Infographic: what does your mobile brand say about you?

Mastering low-light photography.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler on parenting.

A glue maker takes a big gamble on a Super Bowl spot.

13+ things your pilot won’t tell you.

Listen Up: five promising acts who performed during CMJ week.

Watch Audi’s self-driving car hit 150 MPH on an F1 track

A cool app for saving.

Typography: gorgeous illustrations of every letter in the alphabet.

The secret to learning a foreign language as an adult.


image via Dunton Hot Springs

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We look forward to learning more. A BrandJuice team member will follow up with you directly.

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