May 26, 2015

Space Matters. Reimagining the Focus Group with Wallet Testing


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At BrandJuice, we like to think differently. We reframe the way we view the world daily, taking the tried and true, and seeking ways to make it better. The way we conduct a focus group is no different.

A staple of marketing research, the traditional focus group is designed to extract quick, honest feedback from consumers to help businesses optimize. But more often than not, the sterile setup, fluorescent lights, and ominous “people behind the mirror” intimidate—even dilute learning. How do we reimagine a better focus group? One solution is Wallet Testing®.

We recently completed a Wallet Testing project for a large consumer packaged goods company. With a revolutionary new product tested and ready to launch, the brand needed to find out how to talk to the consumer. What would make them want to buy, and when? At what distinct communication touch point do they comprehend the value this new product can bring to their lives?

In order to define the delivery of key messages, we recommended Wallet Testing to simulate the path to purchase in an environment that would make the most sense to the targeted consumer.

For this particular project, the focus was on a product for women. We selected a boutique hotel to conduct the study. Aesthetics were paramount, and setting the right tone aided in creating a warm, inviting and environment where they felt safe to expose their true feelings and actions.

The resulting atmosphere took on the feel of an intimate cocktail party among girlfriends—it automatically lent itself to candid conversation. Participants in the study were able to relax, and get to know the product in a setting they could relate to—a proxy to “real life” behavior. This is where some of the richest insights are born.

Relatability is baked into the best brands in the world. And by rethinking the focus group, brands can learn how to target consumers in more a meaningful way.

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We look forward to learning more. A BrandJuice team member will follow up with you directly.

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