Mar 17, 2015

SXSW Recap: Groundfloor Media & Culture That Works


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Groundfloor Media

One of our last panels on Monday afternoon was an inspiring discussion from our Denver friends over at Groundfloor Media. The successful PR firm – built by Laura Love and Ramonna Robinson – has won Outside Magazine‘s Best Place to Work in 2013 and 2014, which comes as no surprise given the unique culture the two have grown over the years.

At Groundfloor, culture goes far beyond having a ping pong table or a kegerator in the office – it runs deep and guides every strategic decision – from the very moment a new employee or client comes on board. According to Groundfloor, culture is more than just a perk for employees, it’s what attracts the very best talent, and keeps them around for years. We couldn’t agree more. So if you’re in the midst of shaping your own company culture, what can you do to build a truly great work place that retains employees?

A few takeaways:

  • If someone doesn’t fit in a culture they start to become a cancer. Catch it before it spreads.
  • The “no-asshole policy”: It’s hard to let go of clients, but when you hold a line and are forced to cut ties, it frees up talent to work on great things.
  • Dress for your culture – it speaks volumes of what and who you value. People can often be more productive when they are comfortable.
  • Rules are for preschoolers – there’s a time when culture begins and the handbook leaves off.
  • As long as the job gets done, why should it matter where you’re working from?
  • Create physical spaces where people can collaborate and socialize.
  • Let team members weigh in. If you listen to gut checks, there’s always something there.
  • There are no people too people too talented to fire.
  • Promote a lifestyle and back it up with benefits that fit and actually matter to people.
  • Hire for culture.

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