Mar 19, 2020

Tips for User Experience Design


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First Law of Usability:

The design of a web page should be evident, the user should be able to “get it” instantly. Meaning they should understand how to navigate and your information should be easy to digest.


Design for Scanning, Not Reading:

Users are more likely to only scan the page. The quicker they can reach their desired information the better. It’s necessary that web pages are designed with hierarchy, contrasting colors, and clear visibility and usability in mind.


Make Clicks Effortless

Don’t hinder conversations. A user shouldn’t have to wonder whether an element is clickable or not.


Less is More

Find a heavy red pen. Try to minimize content to what is most essential. Keep in mind that keywords must be balanced with brand personality.


Help Users Navigate

Build off best practices of UX navigation. Use breadcrumbs on pages for easy tracking. Design tabs to create clear sections. Make sure users know how to follow the trail back.

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