
Creating economic opportunity in a booming geography

The Challenge

Colorado’s Office of Economic Development and International Trade aimed to capitalize on recent growth with a challenge to clearly communicate business opportunities for globally targeted industries.

The Outcome

Activating an emotionally-driven campaign connecting with hearts and minds of future Colorado businesses.

Working together with the COEDIT team, BrandJuice leveraged the equity of Colorado Tourism to create a dynamic campaign that bridged the work/life spheres. “Where Passion Meets Purpose” cultivated a balance that spoke to the needs and drivers of target audiences, painting a picture of the economic opportunities alive in Colorado. The final concepts came to life in photo shoots and videos that captured industry in action. In addition to digital and print distribution, the new campaign helped guide a website revitalization. This opened the door to new partnerships for the brand, facilitating a boost in relocations by global enterprises and helped attract talent from around the country.

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01 / 07
01 / 04