Jul 8, 2020

Creative Summer Camp


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Create + Cultivate Digital Summer Camp


It’s obvious that we (well some of us, at least) have been missing the connection and learning that an  annual conference brings. Enter Create + Cultivate Digital Summer Camp. Thousands of attendees from all over the world joined around the virtual campfire for a jam-packed day of networking, learning new skills, and listening to inspiring conversations. The Camp offered intriguing panels and  conversations from a diverse range of CEOs, entrepreneurs, content creators, small business owners, and experts in their fields. It was rejuvenating being amongst a (virtual) community, participating in sharing powerful knowledge.

I know what you’re thinking, “Cliff notes, please?” Here’s a little look into two my favorite chats:


Create + Cultivate Digital Summer Camp schedule


How to Declutter and Organize your Life and Business

How to Declutter and Organize Your Life and Business with Jane Stroller was a concise discussion on how to make positive changes in your life. I couldn’t stop taking notes during this talk. This simple routine can transcend across many areas of your life. Starting with making your space fit your life, buckle down for a sustainable and long lasting process.


A quick exercise before getting started:

Think about why you’re in this space and what you want in your future. Are you trying to free up time for passions or feel like you could be more organized in your business? Start to reflect and write 5 reasons why you want to get your life decluttered. Then create 3 ways to achieve your goals. It’s time to manifest! Start with the 4 Steps to Live a Decluttered Life:

    1. Start with the closets
    2. Organize your time
    3. Declutter daily
    4. Have fun, make it a part of your life!


The Closets

Start here because they can translate into a structured system-driven space. Organize by the 80/20 rule; 80% of what you use should be what you use all the time and place those objects front and center. Make “organize, donate, and sell” a part of your daily life. Creating this thought pattern of sustainability that can help the next person behind you and keep your goals in line. Streamline all of your belongings to your signature style, take out those time wasters and become laser focused. Do it with intention.

Organize your TIME

Write down the tasks you have to do everyday. Plan it out with both personal and business, and monitor how much time you take to complete those tasks. Being observant of your patterns will help you focus and be held accountable. Getting distracted and having to refocus your attention makes you much slower than trying your best the first time.

Declutter daily

Create a physical space for items you want to donate or sell. Make them obvious so that you are able to streamline your life on the fly. What’s important is getting into the rhythm of editing. Your time is valuable, treat it as such!

Make it FUN!

Use these small moments in your routine to break up the monotony. Dance, sing, or shout it out while you declutter! Take this moment to free your mind. Cleaning is a form of self care, you deserve a space you can thrive in, so edit with intention!



By being mindful of how I’m spending my time, both inside and outside of my career, I can start to make edits to be more efficient and create a prosperous balance between work and play. One of my favorite parts of this talk was to make things fun! Cleaning often feels so mundane, but using that time to get the jitters out can recharge your battery.  Hone in on what makes you unique, the stable foundation that you (and your brand!) lay upon and create a plan from that.  Don’t believe that the creative world is a one size fits all.  


Create + Cultivate Digital Summer Camp session


Design Darlings: How These Design Enthusiasts Are Inspiring Millions

This talk was the creative kick-in-the-pants that we all need from time to time! Design Darlings: How These Design Enthusiasts Are Inspiring Millions  was true to its name. The panel of four provided insight from their backgrounds in fashion, lifestyle, and design but had one common mantra; find your inner most independent voice and run with it. 

We took a running start on advice to exemplify your brand. Start with your signature style and let it evolve from there. Really try to dissect your work, figure out what you like about it and how it makes you feel. Inspect your brand both digitally and physically.  Start from the core, make your creative stamina and brand about longevity. What will always be in-style is originality. The panel advised “remember that you don’t need to do it all.” Think of your favorite brands that have thrived through generations.


My takeaways

Hone in on what makes you unique, the stable foundation that you (and your brand!) lay upon. Know your brand identity, your key niches and quirks- and run with it! Don’t believe that the creative world is a one size fits all. Your audience will admire your originality for as much as you let them in.


“If your heart is pulling you in one direction, go for it.”

—Christina Martinez


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We look forward to learning more. A BrandJuice team member will follow up with you directly.

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