Oct 1, 2015

Riding the Innovation Wave, with BrandJuice at Denver Startup Week


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The Rocky Mountains are rumbling as Denver Startup Week has officially topped 10,000 registrants. The largest free entrepreneurial event in North America, DSW has gained global attention, putting the spotlight on our progressive city, flourishing with community. The energy is undeniable, pulsing with innovation, and we’re proud to be part of “celebrating everything entrepreneurial in Denver.”

Presenting on a Startup Week panel with fellow brand gurus from Crispin Porter + Bogusky and BrandFolder, we shared a few decades of brand building experience—in the context of this new world order.  Immersed in a technology-driven world where company lifecycles have shortened and the pace of disruption is ever-racing. A cosmos of chronic innovation where “speeds and feeds” are antes, and a strong vision, stellar leadership and healthy funding may even be tablestakes.

So what does it take to ride the innovation wave, and come out on top? The power of a strong brand tops the list. And no, that’s not just a logo. Think of the brand as you would a friend—living, breathing—and use it to forge a relationship with your market just as you would invest in creating thriving connections with friends. Build brand strategies that drive long-lasting interactions, not simply transactions.

Look beyond your business today to break the frame, push boundaries and seek inspiration from the wide world around you, outside of your business.

And when you uncover the meaning of your brand—the value your brand promises that others can’t encroach upon—that is the pivotal stage to buckle down and stay the course.

Easier said than done? Sometimes. But it doesn’t have to be. Here’s what we presented at Startup Week—a cheat sheet to some brand building magic. We hope it helps get your brand started, too.

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We look forward to learning more. A BrandJuice team member will follow up with you directly.

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